The “Cambridge University Austin 7” Club was formed in October 1956 by a group of Cambridge students to serve two purposes. The first was that in the mid 50s, the impecunious student could only afford to run the cheapest of cars, and they didn’t come much cheaper that a rather tired Austin 7. With a Guinness beer bottle label acting as a tax disc, a fresh set of treads painted on tyres as smooth as a baby’s bottom and the MOT test still a twinkle in the eye of a youngster in the Ministry of Transport, it was a practical form of transport that could be supported on the most meagre of budgets. Secondly, the watchful eyes of the Motor Proctor prevented an influx of student-owned cars onto the medieval streets of Cambridge thronged with bicycles. Membership of a motoring club was reason enough to permit a Car to be brought up to University, hence the Club was born.
Soon, Ray Walker , a local garage owner, champion of the Austin 7 and destined to be the long-term President of our Club, was invited to join as the first non-University Member. Over the years the membership changed in nature and as the University membership dwindled, the Club became the Cambridge Austin 7 and Vintage Car Club.
Club members have always been particularly enthusiastic in using their cars and have travelled the length and breadth of both Britain and Europe over the past 50 years. This rally is to celebrate those 50 years and all the fun we have had with our cars and those like minded individuals, nay friends, we have met on the way.