
Calendar of Events 2008

Wednesday October 1st -AGM

At St Marks Church Hall, behind the Red Bull, Barton Road, Cambridge. 7.30 for 8.00pm . One free beer for every member in attendance.

Wednesday 5th November 2008 – Route 66 and beyond!

Gill Davis will give an illustrated talk on her recent travels in America. Starting at 8pm at the Plough & Fleece, Horningsea

Wednesday 3rd December 2008 – Oddity Night

A chance to catch up with this event, organised by Nick Harrison and postponed from earlier in the year. At 8pm at the Plough & Fleece, Horningsea. Come and join us for a fun “feely” evening!

New Year’s Day – Thursday 1st January 2009

As usual there are many events organised in the area. The Newmarket & District Car Club have once again extended their invitation for us to join them at the Bull in Burrough Green and more details will available nearer the date. The VSCC are holding their usual meet at Barrington – and I am sure that there are many other local events to visit. If you know of any, and would like to publicise them, please let me know and I will circulate details.

Other Events of interest organised by local clubs and 750MC Centres:

I have listed below some events that are organised by 750MC Centres that may be of interest to members. Details will be in your 750 Bulletin, or – if you are not 750MC members – I can supply contact details. Gill Davis

2nd Nov London to Brighton Veteran Car Run (Marshalling) 750 HQ.

Last update 22.09.08 NPH